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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Regeneration of Roles

Post any cloud upgrade, it is recommended to regenerate all the roles to avoid security-related issues. I have enabled an option where one can regenerate all the roles in bulk.
Please navigate to My Workforce - ( on the left side panel, search for) - Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles.

On right side top corner, you will find Regenerate All Roles button. You can schedule a process to regenerate bulk roles with the following options:

Named Job Role 
Regenerates any data roles that inherits the specified job role directly. Data roles that inherit the job role indirectly are not regenerated. 
Named Data Role 
Regenerates the specified data role only. 
Named Abstract Role 
Regenerates the specified abstract role only. 
Process All Roles 
Regenerates all roles to which security profiles are assigned. In this mode, secured access for all roles is recalculated and the secured access of all users is refreshed. The time taken to complete this process depends on the number of roles to be regenerated. 

After each upgrade, you must choose the last option of Process All Roles. For Rel 13, we will do it for you but keep this email handy for your future upgrades.

Work Schedule Query

select * from per_schedule_assignments where schedule_id = 300000058913254 and resource_type <> 'ASSIGN' and end_date >= sysdate

--select * from zmm_sr_schedules_tl where schedule_id = 300000058913254