select je_source,to_char(date_created,'Mon-YY') Source_Month,count(je_header_id) je_count from gl_je_headerswhere to_char(date_created,'Q') = :p_quarter and to_char(date_created,'YYYY') = :p_year group
by je_source,to_char(date_created,'Mon-YY')
RDF report:
Total Number of JVs Quarterly
Source Name | Total | |
G If exists: JE_COUNT end; E | 999E | |
Total | ||
O G Close to JE_SOURCE - <?for-each- group@section:G_SERVICE_NAME;./JE_SOURCE?><?sort:JE_SOURCE;'ascending';data-type='text'?> JE_SOURCE - <?JE_SOURCE?><?variable@incontext:JS;JE_SOURCE?> G close to Source_Month : <?for-each-group@column:G_SERVICE_NAME;./SOURCE_MONTH?> Source_Month - <?SOURCE_MONTH?> E - <?end for-each-group?> G Near If Exists - <?for-each-group@cell://G_SERVICE_NAME;./SOURCE_MONTH? IF Exists – <?if:count(current-group()[JE_SOURCE=$JS])?> JE_COUNT - <?current-group()[JE_SOURCE=$JS]/JE_COUNT?> End; - <?end if?> E - <?end for-each-group?> G in Total - <?for-each-group@cell://G_SERVICE_NAME;./SOURCE_MONTH? IF Exists in Total – <?if:count(current-group())?> 999 in Total <?sum(current-group()/JE_COUNT)?> End if in Total: <?end if?> E in Total – <?end for-each-group?> 999 in Total Column - <?sum(//G_SERVICE_NAME[JE_SOURCE=$JS]/JE_COUNT)?> E in Total Column: <?end for-each-group?> |